
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

STEN #2 - The Second In The Eight-Novel Series

The Wolf Worlds - Original Cover

We were both nursing bleak moods at the bar of Bob Burns restaurant in Santa Monica. Chris sighed one of his most dramatic sighs and rattled the cubes in his empty glass.

The ever alert bartender sauntered over. “Another one, boys?” he asked.

I nodded. “And one for yourself,” I said.

As he bustled about building two more Scotch and waters, Chris gave another one his sighs. We stared at each other in the mirror behind the bar. A long, long depressed silence settled over us.

The bartender delivered the drinks and we both took hefty slugs. More silence. More depression.

Finally, Chris said, “The way I see it, Cole, we are in danger of being bitten in the butt by Second Book-Itis.”

What Chris was referring to was the cause of  our depression: the overdue second novel – The Wolf Worlds, book numero dos of what would become the eight-volume Sten series. And the “second book-itis” business involved a curse that has bedeviled writers ever since the long forgotten author of the Epic of Gilgamesh failed to deliver a satisfactory sequel to history’s first novel back in 2100 BC.

If plied with enough liquid spirits, most writers will confess that when they sat down to write their second novel they suddenly found themselves foundering under twice the baggage they’d carried penning their first book.

All the self doubt comes charging back. Sure, you successfully completed – and found a publisher – for novel number one. Good on you. But wait, don’t be so quick with the congratulations, pal, your evil twin taunts. You know damn well that was a fluke and, besides, the editor was probably drunk. Admit it. In reality you are no-talent hack and this time around they’ll find you out.

Anything you produce, your dark side will chortle, is guaranteed to stink to the high heavens. The critics will mock you. Your friends will laugh at you. Your disgraced family will abandon you. Your mother will die of shame. And you will end your days living in a high-mileage junker, taking hip baths in service station restrooms and competing with rats for Chinese restaurant dumpster scraps.

Okay, okay, you tell yourself, overriding the evil twin. You are just being paranoid. But the devil of darkness persists. You know damn well, he’ll say, that most times all those fears come true. And the second novel really will be pure crap. And sometimes the author will recover and produce a fine third novel. And a fourth. And a fifth. And so on and so forth until years later when we finally come to the death notices where the obit writer may or may not say nice things about the ink-stained wretch’s career. But you can be sure they won’t forget that lousy second novel. And the obit’s lead will read something like this:

“Nobel Laureate Hortense Inkhorn Highbrow, who penned a score of modern masterpieces in her lifetime - except for her second novel that even the kindest critics consider a stinking pile of feces - died today after losing a long battle with carpal tunnel syndrome…”

But back to Chris’ warning: we had embarked on that perilous journey that is The Second Novel with high hopes, but we were already in peril of foundering on the rocky shores of Boring Plotland.

In short, as Chris so eloquently put it, “our fucking story sucks.”

I not only didn’t disagree, I drained my drink and called for refills without bothering to check if Chris had done the same. From long experience sitting at bars with my old partner, I knew that he’d quickly follow my example – if he hadn’t already beaten me to it.

I said, “Why don’t we throw out everything we have and start all over again.”

“That’s easy,” Chris said. “Right now we don’t have shit.”

“Fortunately,” I said, “Owen doesn’t know that. We told him we were almost done with the first draft and were about to start rewrite.”

Owen was Owen Locke – our editor at Del Rey Books. And the lie we told was perfectly forgivable, if not by him, then by just about every other professional writer in the world. We all have big bags of lies that we use on editors, producers and others of that ilk who have a ready supply of even bigger, the-check’s-in-the-mail type lies of their own.

So we mentally junked everything but the title: “The Wolf Worlds.” Which in our minds was the nickname for “The Lupus Cluster,” a region that crouched on the edge of our imagined empire. (Interesting factoid: The Lupus Cluster was named in honor of our old boss, Frank Lupo, a gent we first met working on Galactica 1980.)

Our brainstorming session began. This usually started with a discussion of everything and anything that had piqued our interest over the past few weeks.

Some examples:

I had been struck by a recent National Geographic picture of one-and-a-half million year old human footprints found embedded in what was once muddy soil in Northern Kenya.

Chris had just finished a book about Masai warriors, the seven-foot-plus giants of Africa who tended herds of cattle and hunted lions solo, armed with only a spear.

The Vatican Bank scandal had been in the news of late – with the disgraced former top banker found hanging by the neck under a bridge. Which led to a discussion of the always interesting history of the church.

It was just about at this point that Chris’ eyebrows shot up. I recognized the sign.

“Got something?” I asked, hope increasing my pulse rate.

Chris nodded – but hesitantly. “I think so,” he said.

Quickly I called for more drinks to lubricate Chris’ Muse moment.

Chris said, “Didn’t you tell me once, Cole, that at one point there were like three or four popes at the same time, all competing with one another on who had the biggest hat?”

“Actually,” I said, “it supposedly happened several times over the church’s history. As many as four popes, each supported by different groups and countries. Church historians tried to clean it all up hundreds of years later by declaring all but one of them to be ‘Anti-popes.’”

“Okay,” Chris said. “You’ve got it. Merry Christmas.”

I frowned. “Got what?” I said. “And Christmas is long gone.”

“Oh, ye of little faith,” Chris declared. “What we’ve got is our bad guys. What we’ve got is three, maybe four competing popes, all engaged in bloody religious wars over the supremacy of The Lupus Cluster.”

Christ on a popsicle stick, or any other bit of blasphemy you care to supply. My partner had just nailed it. Most people think that the hero of a tale is the most important thing. Not so. It’s the villain that makes the story. Or, the terrible obstacle the hero most overcome. Or both.

Now we had not just one bad guy, but three, or maybe even four. Religious fanatic bad guys. The worst kind, as history and recent events have shown.

“Shit,” I said. “You’re right, partner mine. We’ve got it.”

“And Second Book-Itis can eat the big green weenie,” Chris said.

And with that, I called for the bill, paid it, and we headed back to the office to write.

(END NOTES: 1. When you pick up the book and read it for yourself you’ll see that not just the pope business found its way into the novel, but the footprints, the Masai warriors and a dozen other bits and pieces that popped up during our brainstorming session. 2. Over the years The Wolf Worlds has proven to be the most popular book of Sten series. In every printing, in every language, it outsells the others.)


The Wolf Worlds: New U.S. Cover
By Allan Cole & Chris Bunch


THE GO SIRENS ululated through the Jannisar cruiser. The thunder of crashing boots died away. The ship's XO nodded in satisfaction as the STATIONS READY panel winked to green. He made a mental note to assign extra penance to one laggard ECM station, then spun in his chair to the captain. "All stations manned, Sigfehr," he reported.

The captain touched the relic that hung under his black tunic, then opened his intercom mike. "Bow, ye of the Jann, as we make our prayer to Talamein.

"O Lord, ye who know all things, bless us as we are about to engage the unbeliever. We ask, as our right due, for your assistance in victory. "S'be't."

The chorus of "S'be't" echoed through the ship. The captain switched to a double channel.

"Communications, you will monitor. Weapons, prepare launch sequence. LRM tubes two, four, six. Target onscreen. Commercial ship. Communications, establish contact with target ship. Weapons, we will launch on my command, after surrender of enemy ship. This is bridge, clear."


The cruiser's prey appeared to be just another obsolescent Register-class mining survey ship wildcatting through the galaxy's outer limits.

Its oval hull was patched, resprayed, corroded, and even rusty from its very occasional atmospheric landings. Its long, spindly landing legs were curled under the ship's body, and the mining grab claws were curled just below the forward controls.

It resembled nothing so much as an elderly crab fleeing a hungry shark.

Actually, the ship was the IA Cienfuegos, an Imperial spy ship, its mission complete and now speeding for home.

Extract, Morning Report, II Saber Squadron. Mantis Section:

The following detached this date, assigned temporary duty Imperial Auxiliary Ship Cienfuegos (x-file OP CAM-FAR):

STEN, (NI). Lt. OC Mantis Section 13, weapons; KILGOUR. ALEX. Sgt., NCOIC, Demolitions; KALDERASH, IDA. Corporal. Pilot & Electronics; MORREL, BET, Superior Private, Beast Handler; *BLYRCHYNAUS*. Unranked, Anthropologist, Medic. Team detached with Indiv Gear. Units 45 & 46.

NOTE: OP CAMFAR under dir O/C Mercury Corps, subsq. entries t/b cleared thru Col. Ian Mahoney, Commander Mercury Corps.

Sten stared approvingly at the nude woman strobe-illuminated by the hydroponic lights. He walked to the edge of the plot and gently picked his way past the two huge, black-and-white Siberian tigers.

One of them opened a sleepy eye, emitted a low growl of recognition. Sten ignored it, and it returned to licking its mate's throat.

Bet turned then frowned, seeing Sten. Sten's heart still thumped when he saw her. She was small, blonde, and muscles rippled under her smooth, tawny skin.

She hesitated, then waded through the waving plants to the edge of the plot and sat beside him. Sten was only slightly taller than Bet, with black hair and brooding black eyes. He was slender, but with the build of a trained acrobat.

"Thought you were asleep," she said.


Bet and Sten sat in silence for a moment—except for the purrs of Munin and Hugin, Bet's two big cats. Neither Bet nor Sten was particularly good at talking. Especially about…

"Thought maybe," Sten tried haltingly, "we should, well, try to figure out what's going on."

"Going wrong, you mean," Bet said softly.

"I guess that pretty well is it," Sten said.

Bet considered. "I'm not sure. We've been together quite awhile. Maybe it's that. Maybe it's this stupid operation. All we've done for a long time now is sit on this clottin' ship and playtech."

"And snarl at each other," Sten added. "That, too."

"Look," Sten said, "why don't we go back to my compartment? And...” His voice trailed off. Very romantic approach, his mind snapped at him.

Bet hesitated. Considering. Finally she shook her head. “No,” she said. “I think I want things left alone until we get back. Maybe—maybe when we’re on R and R… maybe then we’ll go back to being like we were.”

Sten sighed. Then nodded. Perhaps Bet was right. Maybe it was best—

And the intercom sang: “If we aren’t disturbing the young lovers, we seem to have a small problem in the control room.”

“Like what, Ida?” Sten asked.

The tigers were already up, ears erect, tails swimming gently.

“Like a clottin’ great cruiser haulin’ up on us from the rear.”

Bet and Sten were on their feet, running for the control room.


A relatively short man, about as wide as he was tall, scanned the display from the ship's Janes fiche and grunted. Alex was a heavy-worlder with steel-beam size bones and super-dense muscles. And his accent - Scots because of the original settlers of his homeworld — was as thick as his body.

"Naebody w'knae th' trawble Ah seen," he half sung to himself as he glanced over the description of the ship that was pursuing them.

Sten leaned over his shoulder and read aloud: "619.532. ASSAULT/PATROL CRUISER. Former Imperial Cruiser Turnmaa, Karjala class. Dim: 190 meters by 34…  clottin' chubby ship… Crew under Imperial manning: 26 officers, 125 men…."

"Four of us, plus two tigers, against 151 troops," Ida broke in. The Rom woman mused over the odds. She was as chubby as she was greedy. Ida had her fingers in every stock and futures market in the Empire. "If anyone's taking bets,” she said, “I'll give odds… against us."

Sten ignored her and read on: "Armament: Six Goblin anti-ship launchers, storage thirty-six in reserve… Three Vydall intercept missile launchers, storage forty-five in reserve… four Lynx-output laser systems… usual in-atmosphere AA capability…  single chain gun, single Bell-class assault laser, mounted unretractable turrets above A deck. Well-armed little bassid... Okay, now, speed…."

"Ah'm kepit my fingers linkit," Alex murmured.

"Clot," Sten said, "they can outrun us, too."

It was Ida's turn to grunt. "Clottin" computer, all it tells us is that we're swingin' gently, gently in the wind. Any data on who those stinkin' bad guys are?"

Sten didn't bother to answer her. "What's intercept time?" he snapped.


Bet cut the readout. "Who cares? I don't think those clowns want to shake our hands." She turned to Sten. "Any ideas, Lieutenant?"

Ida's board buzzed. "Oh-ho. They want to talk to us." Her hand went to the com switch.

Sten stopped her. "Stall them," he said.

There was a reason for Sten's caution. The problem wasn't with the control room — the Cienfuegos was indeed an Imperial spy ship — but except for its hidden super-computer, a rather sophisticated electronic suite, and overpowered engines, it still was pretty much the rust-bucket inside as it was on the outer skin.

The problem was its crew: Mantis section, the Empire's super-secret covert mission specialists. Mantis troopers were first given the standard one-year basic as Imperial Guardsmen, then, assuming they had the proper nonmilitary, nonregimented, and ruthless outlook on life, seconded first to Mercury Corps (Imperial Military Intelligence) and then given the two-year-long Mantis training.

Clot the training, Sten thought while trying to come up with a battle that offered even a one-in-ten chance of survival. The problem was really the team's physical appearance: Munin and Hugin, two four-meter-long mutated black-and-white Siberian tigers. One chubby Scotsman. One fat woman wearing a gypsy dress. One pretty woman. And me, Sten thought. Sten, Lieutenant, commanding Mantis Team 13, suicide division.

Whoopie, he thought. Oh, well.

Sten motioned to Doc while Ida fumbled with the com keys, making confused responses to the cruiser.

Doc waddled forward. The tendriled koala's real name was *BLYRCHYNAUS*, but since no one could pronounce his Altarian name, they called him Doc. The little anthro expert (and medic) held all human beings in absolute contempt. Though he was mostly considered a pain in the lower extremities, he had two indispensable talents: He could analyze culture from small scraps of evidence; and (as one of the Empire's most formidable carnivores) he had the ability to broadcast feelings of compassion and love for his adorable self and any companions.

"Any idea who they are?" Sten asked.

Doc sniffed. "I have to see them," he said.

Sten signaled Ida, who had taped a crude frame to the com pickup so that she would be the only creature visible on the ship.

"Once more onto the breach of contract," she said and keyed ANSWER.

Three stern faces stared at her from the screen.

"G'head," Ida yawned. "This is Hodell, Survey Ship P21. Ca1 Cervi on."

"You will cut your drive instantly. This I order in the name of Talamein and the Jannisars."

Out of sight of the Jann captain, Doc studied the man. Noting his uniform. Analyzing his speech patterns.

Ida gave the captain a puzzled look. "Talamein? Talamein? Do I know him?"

The eyes of the two men beside the captain widened in horror at her blasphemy. The senior officer glared at Ida through the screen.

"You will bring your vessel to an immediate halt and prepare for boarding and arrest.

"By the authority of the Prophet, and Ingild, his emissary in present-time. You have entered proscribed space. Your ship will be seized, you and your crew conveyed to Cosaurus for trial and execution of sentence."

"Y'sure got yourself a great justice system, Cap'n." Ida rose from her chair, turned, and planted her bare, ample buttocks against the pickup. Then, modestly lowering her skirt, she turned back to the screen. She noted with pleasure she'd gotten a reaction from all three black uniforms this time.

"And if nonverbal communication ain't sufficient," she said, "I'd suggest you put your prophet in one hand and your drakh in the other and see which one fills up first."

Without waiting for an answer, she broke contact.

"A wee bit d'rect, m'lass?" Alex inquired.

Ida just shrugged.

Sten waited patiently for Doc's analysis. The bear's antenna vibrated slightly. "Not pirates or privateers—at least these beings do not so consider themselves. In any case authoritarian, which should be obvious even to these odiferous beasts of Bet's."

Hugin understood enough of the language to know when he was being insulted. He growled warningly. Doc's antenna moved again, and the growl turned into a purr. He tried to lick Doc's face. The bear pushed him away.

"I find interesting the assumption of absolute authority, which would suggest either a fuehrer state of longstanding or, more probably, one of a metaphysical nature."

"You mean religious," Sten said.

"A belief in anything beyond what one can consume or exploit. Metaphysics, religion, whatever.

"My personal theory would be what you call religious. Note the use of the phrase 'In the name of Talamein' as a possible indicator.

"My estimation would be a military order, based on and supporting a dictatorial, puritanical religion. For the sake of argument, call this order the Jannisars.

"Note also that the officer has carefully positioned two aides to his either side. Neither seemed more than a bodyguard.

"Therefore, I would theorize that our Jannisars are not a majority in this… this Talamein empire, but an elite minority requiring protection.

"Also note the uniforms. Black. I have observed that in the human mind this indicates a desire for the observer to associate the person wearing that uniform with negativism—fear, terror, even death.

"Also, did any of you notice the lack of decoration on all three uniforms? Very uncharacteristic of the human norm, but an indicator that status is coupled with the immaterial — in other words, again, an indicator that we're dealing with metaphysical fanatics."

Doc looked around, waiting for applause. He should have known better.

"Ah a'ready kenned they wa' n'better'n a lot'a Campbells," Alex said. "The wee skean dubhs th' had slung a' they belts. No fightin' knives a man wae carry. D'ble-edged, wi' flat handles. A blade like tha's used for naught but puttin' in a man from the rear."

"Anything else, Doc?" Sten asked.

"The barrel that walks like a being said what I had left out," Doc replied.

Sten rubbed his chin, wishing, not for the hundredth time, that Mantis had been able to assign them a battle computer before the mission. Finally he looked up at everyone. "The way I see it, we have to let them play the first card."





By Allan Cole & Chris Bunch

Narrated By Scott Larson

A NATION AT WAR WITH ITSELF: In Book Three Of The Shannon Trilogy, young Patrick Shannon is the heir-apparent to the Shannon fortune, but murder and betrayal at a family gathering send him fleeing into the American frontier, with only the last words of a wise old woman to arm him against what would come. And when the outbreak of the Civil War comes he finds himself fighting on the opposite side of those he loves the most. In The Wars Of The Shannons we see the conflict, both on the battlefield and the homefront, through the eyes of Patrick and the members of his extended Irish-American family as they struggle to survive the conflict that ripped the new nation apart, and yet, offered a dim beacon of hope.



Here's where to get the paperback & Kindle editions worldwide: 

Here's what readers say about Lucky In Cyprus:
  • "Bravo, Allan! When I finished Lucky In Cyprus I wept." - Julie Mitchell, Hot Springs, Texas
  • "Lucky In Cyprus brought back many memories... A wonderful book. So many shadows blown away!" - Freddy & Maureen Smart, Episkopi,Cyprus. 
  • "... (Reading) Lucky In Cyprus has been a humbling, haunting, sobering and enlightening experience..." - J.A. Locke,


THE HATE PARALLAX: What if the Cold War never ended -- but continued for a thousand years? Best-selling authors Allan Cole (an American) and Nick Perumov (a Russian) spin a mesmerizing "what if?" tale set a thousand years in the future, as an American and a Russian super-soldier -- together with a beautiful American detective working for the United Worlds Police -- must combine forces to defeat a secret cabal ... and prevent a galactic disaster! This is the first - and only - collaboration between American and Russian novelists. Narrated by John Hough. Click the title links below for the trade paperback and kindle editions. (Also available at iTunes.)


A new novel by Allan and his daughter, Susan

After laboring as a Doctors Without Borders physician in the teaming refugee camps and minefields of South Asia, Dr. Ann Donovan thought she'd seen Hell as close up as you can get. And as a fifth generation CIA brat, she thought she knew all there was to know about corruption and betrayal. But then her father - a legendary spymaster - shows up, with a ten-year-old boy in tow. A brother she never knew existed. Then in a few violent hours, her whole world is shattered, her father killed and she and her kid brother are one the run with hell hounds on their heels. They finally corner her in a clinic in Hawaii and then all the lies and treachery are revealed on one terrible, bloody storm ravaged night.

BASED ON THE CLASSIC STEN SERIES by Allan Cole & Chris Bunch: Fresh from their mission to pacify the Wolf Worlds, Sten and his Mantis Team encounter a mysterious ship that has been lost among the stars for thousands of years. At first, everyone aboard appears to be long dead. Then a strange Being beckons, pleading for help. More disturbing: the presence of AM2, a strategically vital fuel tightly controlled by their boss - The Eternal Emperor. They are ordered to retrieve the remaining AM2 "at all costs." But once Sten and his heavy worlder sidekick, Alex Kilgour, board the ship they must dare an out of control defense system that attacks without warning as they move through dark warrens filled with unimaginable horrors. When they reach their goal they find that in the midst of all that death are the "seeds" of a lost civilization. 

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Venice Boardwalk Circa 1969
In the depths of the Sixties and The Days Of Rage, a young newsman, accompanied by his pregnant wife and orphaned teenage brother, creates a Paradise of sorts in a sprawling Venice Beach community of apartments, populated by students, artists, budding scientists and engineers lifeguards, poets, bikers with  a few junkies thrown in for good measure. The inhabitants come to call the place “Pepperland,” after the Beatles movie, “Yellow Submarine.” Threatening this paradise is  "The Blue Meanie,"  a crazy giant of a man so frightening that he eventually even scares himself. 


Monday, April 20, 2015

Sten #1 - The First In The Eight-Novel Series

Original Sten /:#1 Cover

Chris and I saw Sten in book form for the first time at the paperback rack of a liquor store on our way home from MGM studios. We were story execs for the Robert Urich-starring “Gavilan” TV series, a troubled show that required copious quantities of Scotch to keep the stress level below the Shoot All The Suits high water mark.

Chris spotted it first. Pointing, he said, “Fuck me, Cole… there’s our book!”

My heart quickened as I goggled at it. With trembling hands I lifted the book from the rack. I was so overcome I took in very little of the cover, except for the title: Sten. And the bylines… heart be still… Allan Cole and Chris Bunch.

Flipped it over and scanned the back-of-the-book blurb, with its typically muscular (for military Science Fiction) and over-hyped prose. It read:

"A TALE OF REVENGE: Vulcan was a factory planet, centuries old, Company run, ugly as sin, and unfeeling as death. Vulcan bred just two types of native -- complacent or tough...and Sten was tough. When his family died in a mysterious "accident," Sten rebelled, harassing the Company from the metal world's endless mazelike warrens. Sten would have ended up just another burnt-out Delinquent if he hadn't rescued a mysterious stranger who turned out to be his ticket off Vulcan -- and an express ride back!”

Flipped it back over to study the cover again. The image finally came into focus. And it was a… well, I wasn’t sure what exactly it was. Then I realized it was the artist’s conception of Vulcan.

“Looks like a fucking toilet bowl plunger, Cole,” Chris said.

And it did, by gosh and golly. It did.

A bit of a letdown, when you consider it was an idea that was born waiting in a two-block gasoline-rationing line astride my motorcycle, while harried gas station attendants dealt with pissed off motorists.

That was in 1979. This was 1982. In between were thousands of hours of work building the world of Sten, getting it down on paper, endless hours of rewrite and months of nail-biting while we struggled to land a publisher willing to take on a couple of first time novelists.

As I’ve said before, at one point we even junked nearly two hundred pages and started the book all over again, keeping only the first sentence: “Death came silently to The Row.”

But, back to the gas crunch. The oil shortage was the end- result of the Iranian Revolution where the despot monarch, Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, was replaced by the despot cleric, Ayatollah Khomeini.

In short, the oil producing kleptocracies in the Middle East had us by the cajones, and were squeezing hard. And not for the first – or last – time.

As I sat there in that gas line – trying to ignore all the motorists who glared at me suspiciously because I was a motorcycle, and therefore capable of any atrocity – it came to me that if one person could control all the world’s energy, he would effectively control the planet. And if he could control this planet, then any others he occupied would fall under his economic sway, and so on and so forth until he had a…

“I have this idea about an empire,” I told Chris, when I reached his house, where we spent 36 hours a week (besides holding down responsible full-time jobs as journalists) trying to break into novels and screenwriting.

Chris just gave me a look. He didn’t have to say it aloud. There have been countless science fiction books dealing with empires, galactic and otherwise. But he waited, figuring I already knew that, so there must be more.

I went on to explain how a guy might be able to build an empire if had sole control of a single-energy source that was cheap enough and green enough to replace all other forms of energy.

These were the days when there was much written about “cold fusion” (which proved to be a fraud), so the idea a of cheap, single source of energy wasn’t all that outlandish.

Chris sparked to the idea and we got down to it for many, many hours, fuled by rivers of Scotch. The fuel source turned out to be anti-matter two (AM2), discovered by our Emperor wannabe in another universe. And the empire itself would be by far the largest, most successful, and most powerful in all of galactic history.

But all this couldn’t be accomplished in a single lifetime. These were also the days of the human cloning hysteria, based on totally false claims that a mysterious billionaire or three had cloned themselves.

And mysterious billionaires were all over the news back then, chiefly because of the strange stories and bizarre rumors (some of which turned out to be true) surrounding the hermit billionaire-crazy-guy-supreme, Howard Hughes.

Of course, our Emperor – like any Emperor – couldn’t be all that nice of a guy considering what it would take to become an immortal who would reign over a three-thousand-year-old galactic empire.

We would need a common guy for a central character. Someone you wouldn’t mind sharing a narco-beer with. Make him a kid to start with. A delinq. Whose folks were unskilled migrant workers at a factory planet. A road their son would most likely follow. But tragic events would punt him forward, and over the succeeding novels he would rise from a common grunt, to a skilled black-ops assassin, to a wartime naval hero, to a confidant of the Eternal Emperor himself. 

We named him Sten – after the British submachine gun. 

Anyway, you can easily see how all of these elements could gel together to form the framework of what would prove to be an eight-novel series that became a world-wide phenomena in multiple languages and sales of over 25 million copies. 

Okay, okay. We didn’t know about all that yet. The 25 million copies. Or the international acclaim. Or if someone said “Bunch and Cole” in a crowd that the eyes of science fiction readers would light up with recognition. 

All we knew – way back then in 1982 at the liquor store just down from MGM – was that the cover of our newly born child looked, as Chris said, “like a fucking toilet bowl plunger.”

(Interesting factoid: STEN is an acronym, from the names of the submachine gun's chief designers, Major Reginald V.Shepherd and Harold Turpin, and EN for England.)

And now, here is the first chapter of:

Current American Cover
 STEN #1
By Allan Cole and Chris Bunch

Chapter One

Death came quietly to The Row.
The suit stank. The Tech inside it stared out through the scratched port at the pipe that looped around the outside of the recreation dome and muttered a string of curses that would’ve peeled a deep-space trader.

What he wanted more than anything was a tall cool narcobeer to kill the hangover drumrolls in his head. The one thing he didn’t want, he knew, was to be hanging outside Vulcan, staring at a one-centimeter alloy pipe that wouldn’t hook up.

He clamped his waldos on the flange, set the torque rating by feel, and tried another round of obscenities, this time including his supervisor and all the stinking Migs enjoying themselves one meter and a world away from him.


He retracted the waldos and slammed the suit’s tiny drive unit into life. Not only was his supervisor a clot who was an exjoyboy, but he was also going to get stuck for the first six rounds. The Tech shut down his groundzeroed brain and rocketed nimbly for the lock.

Of course, he’d missed the proper torque setting. If the pipe hadn’t been carrying fluorine, under high pressure, the error wouldn’t have made any difference.

The overstressed fitting cracked, and raw fluorine gradually ate its way through, for several shifts spraying harmlessly into space. But, as the fracture widened, the spray boiled directly against the outer skin of The Row, through the insulation, and, eventually, the inner skin.

At first the hole was pin-size. The initial pressure drop inside the dome wasn’t even enough to kick over the monitors high overhead in The Row’s roof control capsule.
* * *
The Row could’ve been a red-light district on any of a million pioneer planets - Company joygirls and boys picked their way through the Mig crowds, looking for the Migrant-Unskilled who still had some credits left on his card.

Long rows of gambling computers hooted enticements at the passing workers and emitted little machine chuckles when another mark was suckered into a game.

The Row was the Company-provided recreational center , set up with the Migs’ “best interests” at heart. “A partying Mig is a happy Mig,” a Company psychologist had once said. He didn’t add - or      need to - that a partying Mig was also one who was spending credits, and generally into the red. Each loss meant hours added to the worker’s contract.

Which was why, in spite of the music and the laughter, The Row felt grim and gray.

Two beefy Sociopatrolmen lounged outside The Row’s entrance. The older patrolman nodded at three boisterous Migs as they weaved from one bibshop to another, then turned to his nervous partner. “If ya gonna twitch every time somebody looks at ya, bud, pretty soon one of these Migs is gonna wanna know what you’ll do if they get real rowdy.”

The new probationary touched his stun rod. “And I’d like to show them.”

The older man sighed, then stared off down the corridor. “Oh-oh. Trouble.”

His partner nearly jumped out of his uniform. “Where?”

The older man pointed. Stepping off the slideway and heading for The Row was Amos Sten. The other man started to laugh at the short, middle-aged Mig, and then noticed the muscles bunching Amos’ neck. And the size of his wrists, and hammer fists.

Then the senior patrolman sighed in relief and leaned back against the I-beam. “It’s okay, kid. He’s got his family with him.”

A tired-looking woman and two children hurried off the slideway to Amos.
“What the hell,” the young man said, “that midget don’t look so tough to me.”

“You don’t know Amos. If you did, you would’ve soaked your jock - especially if Amos was on the prowl for a little fight to cheer him up some.”

The four Migs each touched small white rectangles against a pickup and Vulcan’s central computer logged the movement of MIG STEN, AMOS; MIG STEN, FREED; MIG-DEPENDENT STEN, AHD; MIG-DEPENDENT STEN, JOHS into The Row.

As the Sten family passed the two patrolmen, the older man smiled and tipped Amos a nod. His partner just glared. Amos ignored them and hustled his family toward the livee entrance. “Mig likes to fight, huh? That ain’t whatcha call Company-approved social mannerisms.”

“Son, we busted the head of every Mig who beefed one on The Row, there’d be a labor shortage.”

“Maybe we ought to take him down some.”

“You think you’re the man who could do it?”

The young patrolman nodded. “Why not? Catch him back of a narco joint and thump him some.”

The older man smiled, and touched a long and livid scar on his right arm. “It’s been tried. By some better. But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe you’re the one who can do something. But you best remember. Amos isn’t any old Mig.”

“What’s so different about him?”

The patrolman suddenly tired of his new partner and the whole conversation. “Where he comes from, they eat little boys like you for breakfast.”

The young man bristled and started to glower. Then he remembered that even without the potgut his senior still had about twenty kilos and fifteen years on him. He spun and turned the glower on an old lady who was weaving happily out of The Row. She looked at him, gummed a grin and spat neatly between the probationary’s legs, onto the dock.

“Clot Migs!”
* * *
Amos slid his card through the livee’s pickup, and the computer automatically added an hour to Amos’ work contract. The four of them walked into the lobby, and Amos looked around.

“Don’t see the boy.”

“Karl said school had him on an extra shift,” his wife, Freed, reminded him.

Amos shrugged. “He ain’t missin’ much. Guy down the line was here last offshift. Says the first show’s some clot about how some Exec falls for a joygirl an’ takes her to live in The Eye with him.”
Music blared from inside the theater.

“C’mon, dad, let’s go.”

Amos followed his family into the showroom.
* * *
Sten hurriedly tapped computer keys, then hit the JOB INPUT tab. The screen blared, then went gray-blank. Sten winced. He’d never finish in time to meet his family. The school’s ancient computer system just wasn’t up to the number of students carded in for his class shift.

Sten glanced around the room. No one was watching. He hit BASIC FUNCTION, then a quick sequence of keys. Sten had found a way to tap into one reasoning bank of the central computer. Against school procedure, for sure. But Sten, like any other seventeen-year-old, was willing to let tomorrow’s hassles hassle tomorrow.

With the patch complete, he fed in his task card. And groaned, as his assignment swam up onto the screen. It was a cybrolathe exercise, making L-beams.

It would take forever to make the welds, and he figured that the mandated technique, obsolete even by the school’s standards, created a stressline three microns off the joining.

Then Sten grinned. He was already In Violation.

He drew two alloy-steel bars on the screen with his lightpen, then altered the input function to JOB PROGRAM. Then he switched the pens function to WELD. A few quick motions, and somewhere on Vulcan, two metal bars were nailed together. Or maybe it was a computer-only exercise.

Sten waited in agony as the computer screen blanked. Finally the computer lit up and scrolled PROJECT COMPLETED SATISFACTORILY.

He was finished. Sten’s fingers flashed as he cut out of the illegal patch, plugged back into the school’s computer, which was just beginning to flicker wearily back into WAITING PROGRAM,

Sten input the PROJECT COMPLETED SATISFACTORILY from his terminal’s memory, shut down, and then he was up and running for the door.
* * *
“Frankly, gentlemen,” Baron Thorosen said, “I care less about the R and D program’s conflicting with some imagined ethical rule of the Empire than our own Company’s health.”

It had started as a routine meeting of the Company’s board of directors, those half dozen beings who controlled almost a billion lives. Then old Lester had so very casually asked his question.

Thoresen stood suddenly and began pacing up and down. The huge director’s bulk held the board’s attention as much as his rumbling voice and authority.

“If that sounds unpatriotic, I’m sorry. I’m a businessman, not a diplomat. Like my grandfather before me, all I believe in is our Company.”

Only one man was unmoved. Lester. Trust an old thief, the Baron thought. He’s already made his, so now he can afford to be ethical.

“Very impressive,” Lester said. “But we - the board of directors - didn’t ask about your dedication. We asked about your expenditures on Bravo Project. You have refused to tell us the nature of your experimentation, and yet you keep returning for additional funding. I merely inquired, since if there were any military applications we might secure an assistance grant from one or another of the Imperial foundations.”

The Baron looked at Lester thoughtfully but unworried. Thoresen was, after all, the man with the cards. But he knew better than to give the crafty old infighter the least opening. And Thoresen knew better than to try threats. Lester was too scarred to know the meaning of fear.

“I appreciate your input. And your concern about the necessary expenditures. However, this project is too important for our future to risk a leak.”

“Do I sense distrust?” Lester asked.

“Not of you, gentlemen. Don’t be absurd. But if our competition learned of Bravo Project’s goal, not even my close ties with the Emperor would keep them from stealing it - and ruining us.”

“Even if it did leak,” another board member tried, “there would still be an option. We could possibly affect their supplies of AM2.”

“Using your close, personal ties with the Emperor, of course,” Lester put in smoothly.

The Baron smiled thinly.  “Even I would not presume that much on friendship. AM2 is the energy on which the Empire and the Emperor thrive. No one else.”

Silence. Even from Lester. The ghost of the Eternal Emperor closed the conversation. The Baron glanced around, then deliberately dropped his voice to a dry, boring level. “With no further comments, I’ll mark the increased funding as approved. Now, to a simpler matter. We’re fortunate in that our maintenance expenditures on Vulcan’s port facilities have dropped by a full fifteen percent. This includes not only internal mooring facilities, but the presealed container facility. But I’m still not satisfied. It would be far better if...”
* * *
Amos’ eyes flickered open as the livee ended and the lights came up. As near as he could gather, the Exec and his joygirl, after they’d moved to The Eye, had gone off to some pioneer planet and been attacked by something or other.

He yawned. Amos didn’t think much of livees, but a quiet nap came in handy every now and then.
Ahd nudged him. “That’s what I wanna be when I grow up. An Exec.”

Amos stirred and woke up all the way. “Why is that, boy?”

“‘Cause they get adventures and money and medals and...and...and all my friends wanna be Execs, too.”

“You just get rid of that notion right now,” Freed snapped. “Our kind don’t mix with Execs.”

The boy hung his head. Amos patted him. “It ain’t that you’re not good enough, son. Hell, any Sten is worth six of those cl -”


“Sorry. People.” Then Amos caught himself. “The hell. Callin’ Execs clots ain’t talkin’ dirty. That’s what they is. Anyway, Ahd, those Execs ain’t heroes. They’re the worst. They’d kill a person to meet a quota. And then cheat his family outa the death benefits. You becomin’ an Exec wouldn’t make me and your ma - or you - proud.”

Then it was his little girl’s turn. “I wanna be a joygirl,” she announced.

Amos buried his grin as he watched Freed jump about a meter and a half. He decided he’d let her handle that one.
* * *
Pressure finally split the pipe, and the escaping gas forced it directly against the hole it had punched through into The Row.

The first to die was an old Mig, who was leaning against the curving outer wall of the dome a few centimeters from the sudden hole in the skin. By the time he’d seen the fluorine burn away flesh and ribcage, leaving the pulsing redness of his lungs, he was already dead.

In The Row’s control capsule, a group of bored Techs watched a carded-out Mig try to wheedle a joygirl into a reduced-rate party. One Tech offered odds. With no takers. Joygirls don’t give bargains.

The pressure finally dropped below the danger threshold and alarms flared. No one flinched.
Breakdowns and alarms were an every-shift occurrence on Vulcan.

The Chief Tech strolled casually over to the main computer. He tapped a few keys, silencing the bong-bong-bong and flashing lights of the alarms.

“Now, let’s see what the glitch is.”

His answer scrolled up swiftly on a monitor screen.

Hmmm. This is a little dicey. Take a look.”

His assistant peered over the Tech’s shoulder.

“Some kind of chemical leak into the dome. I’ll narrow it some.” The Tech tapped more computer keys, cutting a bit deeper into the information banks.


The Chief Tech finally reacted with something other than boredom. “Clottin' Maintenance and their damned pipe leaks. They think we’ve got nothing better to do than clean up after them. I’ve got a mind to input a report that’ll singe every hair off their hairless - “


“Don’t interfere with my tantrums. Whaddaya want?”

“Don’t you think this should be repaired? In a hurry?”

“Yeah. Figure out where - half these damned sensors are broke or else somebody’s poured beer in them. If I had a credit for every time...”

His voice trailed off as he traced the leak. Finally he narrowed the computer search down, pipe by pipe.

“Clot. We’ll have to suit up to get to it. Runs over to that lab dome - oh!”

The diagram he was scrolling froze, and red letters began flashing over it: ANY INCIDENT CONNECTED TO BRAVO PROJECT TO BE ROUTED INSTANTLY TO THORESEN.

His assistant puzzled. “But why does it -”

He stopped, realizing the Chief Tech was ignoring him.

“Clotting Execs. Make you check with them anytime you gotta take a...” He tapped for the registry, found Thoresen’s code, hit the input button, and settled back to wait.
* * *
The Baron shook the hands of each of his fellow board members as they filed out. Asking about the health of their families. Mentioning dinner. Or commenting on the aptness of someone’s suggestions.

Until Lester.

“I appreciate your presence, Lester, more than you can imagine. Your wisdom is definitely a guiding influence on the course of-“

“Pretty good duck-and-away on my question, Thoresen,”Lester broke in. Couldn’t do it better myself.”

“But I was not avoiding anything, my good man. I was only -”

“Of course you were only. Save the stroking for these fools. You and I understand our positions more clearly.”


“Forget it.” Lester started past, then turned. “Of course you know this isn’t personal, Thoresen. Like you, I have only the best interests of our Company at heart.”

The Baron nodded. “I wouldn’t expect anything else of you.”

Thoresen watched the old man as he hobbled out. And decided that old thieves get foolish. What could be more personal than power?

He turned toward the source of a discreet buzz and pointed. Six shelves of what appeared to be antique books dropped away, allowing access to a computer panel.

He took three unhurried steps and touched the RESPONSE button. The Chief Tech floated into view. “We have a problem, sir, here in Rec Twenty-six.”

The Baron nodded. “Report.”

The Chief Tech punched keys, the screen split and the details of the leak into The Row scrolled down one side. The Baron took it in instantly. The computer projected that the deadly gas would fill the rec dome in fifteen minutes.

“Why don’t you fix it, Technician?”

“Because the clotting computer keeps spitting ‘Bravo Project, Bravo Project’ at me,” the Chief Tech snarled. All I need is a go from you and I’ll have this thing fixed in no time flat and no skin off anybody’s - I’ll have it fixed.”

The Baron thought a moment. “There’s no approach to that leak by now except through the Bravo Project lab? Can’t you just put a vacuum maintenance Tech out?”

“Not a chance. The pipe’s so badly warped we’ll have to chop it off at the source. Yessir. We’ll have to get into the lab.”

“Then I can’t help you.”

The Chief Tech froze. “But - that leak won’t stop at Rec Twenty-six. Clotting fluorine’ll combine, and then eat anything except a glass wall.”

“Then dump Twenty-six.”

“But we’ve got almost fourteen hundred people -”

“You have your orders.”

The Chief Tech stared at Thoresen. Suddenly nodded and keyed off.

The Baron sighed. He made a mental note to have Personnel up recruiting for the new unskilled-labor quotient. Then rolled the event around, to make sure he wasn’t missing anything.

There was a security problem. The Chief Tech, and, of course, his assistants. He could transfer the men, or, more simply - Thoresen wiped the problem out of his mind. His dinner menu was flashing on the screen.
* * *
The Chief Tech whistled tunelessly and slowly tapped a fingernail on the screen. His assistant hovered nearby.

“Uh, don’t we have to...”

The Chief Tech looked at him, then decided not to say anything. He turned away from the terminal, and swiftly unlocked the bright red EMERGENCY PROCEDURES INPUT control panel.
* * *
Sten pyloned off an outraged Tech and hurtled down the corridor toward The Row’s entrance, fumbling for his card. The young Sociopatrolman blocked his entrance.

“I saw that, boy.”

“Saw what?”

“What you did to that Tech. Don’t you know about your betters?”

“Gee, sir, he was slipping. Somebody must have spilled something on the slideway. I guess it’s a long way to see what exactly happened. Especially for an older man. Sir.”

He looked innocent.

The younger patrolman brought an arm back, but his partner caught his wrist. “Don’t bother. That’s Amos Sten’s boy.”

“We still oughta. . . oh, go ahead, Mig. Go on in.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Sten stepped up to the gate and held his card to the pickup.

“Keep going like you are, boy, and you know what’ll happen?”

Sten waited.

“You’ll run away. To the Delinqs. And then we’ll go huntin’ you. You know what happens when we rat those Delinqs out? We brainburn ‘em.” The patrolman grinned. “They’re real cute, then. Sometimes they let us have the girls for a few shifts. . . before they put them out on the slideways.”
Hydraulics screamed suddenly, and the dome seal-off doors crashed across the entrance. Sten fell back out of the way, going down.

He looked at the two patrolmen. Started to say something. . . then followed their eyes to the flashing red lights over the entrance: ENTRANCE SEALED. . . EMERGENCY. . . EMERGENCY. . .

He slowly picked himself up. “My parents,” Sten said numbly. “They’re inside!”

And then he was battering at the solid steel doors until the older patrolman pulled him away.
* * *
Explosive bolts fired around six of the dome panels. The tiny snaps were lost in the typhoon roar of air blasting out into space.

Almost in slow motion, the escaping hurricane caught the shanty cubicles of The Row, and the people in them, and spat them through the holes into blackness.

And then the sudden wind died.

What remained of buildings, furniture, and the stuff of life drifted in the cold gleam of the faraway sun. Along with the dry, shattered husks of 1,385 human beings.

Inside the empty dome that had been The Row, the Chief Tech stared out the port of the control capsule. His assistant got up from his board, walked over and put his hand on the Tech’s arm.

“Come on. They were only Migs.”

The Chief Tech took a deep breath.

“Yeah. You’re right. That’s all they were.”




By Allan Cole & Chris Bunch

Narrated By Scott Larson

A NATION AT WAR WITH ITSELF: In Book Three Of The Shannon Trilogy, young Patrick Shannon is the heir-apparent to the Shannon fortune, but murder and betrayal at a family gathering send him fleeing into the American frontier, with only the last words of a wise old woman to arm him against what would come. And when the outbreak of the Civil War comes he finds himself fighting on the opposite side of those he loves the most. In The Wars Of The Shannons we see the conflict, both on the battlefield and the homefront, through the eyes of Patrick and the members of his extended Irish-American family as they struggle to survive the conflict that ripped the new nation apart, and yet, offered a dim beacon of hope.



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  • "Bravo, Allan! When I finished Lucky In Cyprus I wept." - Julie Mitchell, Hot Springs, Texas
  • "Lucky In Cyprus brought back many memories... A wonderful book. So many shadows blown away!" - Freddy & Maureen Smart, Episkopi,Cyprus. 
  • "... (Reading) Lucky In Cyprus has been a humbling, haunting, sobering and enlightening experience..." - J.A. Locke,


THE HATE PARALLAX: What if the Cold War never ended -- but continued for a thousand years? Best-selling authors Allan Cole (an American) and Nick Perumov (a Russian) spin a mesmerizing "what if?" tale set a thousand years in the future, as an American and a Russian super-soldier -- together with a beautiful American detective working for the United Worlds Police -- must combine forces to defeat a secret cabal ... and prevent a galactic disaster! This is the first - and only - collaboration between American and Russian novelists. Narrated by John Hough. Click the title links below for the trade paperback and kindle editions. (Also available at iTunes.)


A new novel by Allan and his daughter, Susan

After laboring as a Doctors Without Borders physician in the teaming refugee camps and minefields of South Asia, Dr. Ann Donovan thought she'd seen Hell as close up as you can get. And as a fifth generation CIA brat, she thought she knew all there was to know about corruption and betrayal. But then her father - a legendary spymaster - shows up, with a ten-year-old boy in tow. A brother she never knew existed. Then in a few violent hours, her whole world is shattered, her father killed and she and her kid brother are one the run with hell hounds on their heels. They finally corner her in a clinic in Hawaii and then all the lies and treachery are revealed on one terrible, bloody storm ravaged night.

BASED ON THE CLASSIC STEN SERIES by Allan Cole & Chris Bunch: Fresh from their mission to pacify the Wolf Worlds, Sten and his Mantis Team encounter a mysterious ship that has been lost among the stars for thousands of years. At first, everyone aboard appears to be long dead. Then a strange Being beckons, pleading for help. More disturbing: the presence of AM2, a strategically vital fuel tightly controlled by their boss - The Eternal Emperor. They are ordered to retrieve the remaining AM2 "at all costs." But once Sten and his heavy worlder sidekick, Alex Kilgour, board the ship they must dare an out of control defense system that attacks without warning as they move through dark warrens filled with unimaginable horrors. When they reach their goal they find that in the midst of all that death are the "seeds" of a lost civilization. 

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Venice Boardwalk Circa 1969
In the depths of the Sixties and The Days Of Rage, a young newsman, accompanied by his pregnant wife and orphaned teenage brother, creates a Paradise of sorts in a sprawling Venice Beach community of apartments, populated by students, artists, budding scientists and engineers lifeguards, poets, bikers with  a few junkies thrown in for good measure. The inhabitants come to call the place “Pepperland,” after the Beatles movie, “Yellow Submarine.” Threatening this paradise is  "The Blue Meanie,"  a crazy giant of a man so frightening that he eventually even scares himself. 